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If you have a number for them, then you can text someone in Europe from anywhere in the world.

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Q: Can you text someone in Europe?
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Is it bad if you say to someone text me or you will text them on the next step of planning something but they do not text you and you text them again is that bad that they do not text you?

No it is not bad to tell someone to text you if you know them and it is rude of them not to reply to your text. You did nothing wrong.

Can someone in Denmark text someone in Nebraska?

yes no madder where you are you can text somebody if you have signal.

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Who created the laws in Europe?

Someone in Europe.

How do you get him to text you?

There is no sure-fire way to get someone to text you, but i found if you call them they will usually text back.

What part of speech is the word text?

The word text is a noun. It can also be a verb as in to text someone from your phone.

What do you text back if someone sends you a text saying beautiful?

Anything you wish

If you have a prepaid cell and someone text message you and you don't have min will you get that text?

Probably not.

How do you fire someone who only communicates via text?

Firing them through text

What is does quoting the text mean?

When you quote a text you are telling the reader that someone is speaking.

What does shoot a text mean?

if someone says shoot me a textit means to text them.