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yes take a urine test, joymaker rn

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Q: Can you tell your pregnant at 2 weeks?
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In 2 weeks can you tell if you are pregnant?

Sometimes you can get a positive pregnancy test result at 2 weeks, but it's generally more accurate at around 3 or 4 weeks

Can you tell if your pregnant by the first two weeks?

you could be pregnant in the first 2 weeks if pregnancy test is blue

Can you tell you are pregnant in 3 weeks time?

Yes you can take the test 2 weeks after sex.

Is it possible for a doctor to tell your pregnant 2 weeks after intercourse?

Yes he can

Can a woman tell she is pregnant as soon as the pregnancy begins?

Yes, you can tell from 2 weeks at the earliest

Can you tell if your pregnant within 8 days?

No, 2 weeks after sex is the earliest.

Can you tell in days or a week if your pregnant?

No you can not. It takes about 3 days to get pregnant and a test is not reliable until 2 weeks after sex.

At how many weeks can tell that you are pregnant?

You should be able to tell from a home pregnancy test when you are fourteen days (two weeks) pregnant.

How far does your rabbit have to be before you can tell its pregnant?

You should be able to tell by 2 weeks either by palpation or test breeding.

Can they tell if your going to have twins at 2 weeks pregnant?

I highly doubt it. It's too early to detect.

How many weeks are frogs pregnant for?

frog are pregnant for 2-5 weeks.

If you are 4 weeks and 2 days pregnant is it possible to tell the date you got pregnant?

count the days back on a calendar if you have trouble doing it in your head.