most likely no. you usually need to wait about a week after a missed period for a home pregnancy test to be able to detect the hcg levels in your body. i would give it 3-5 weeks.
No you can not. It takes about 3 days to get pregnant and a test is not reliable until 2 weeks after sex.
No clue as to what your questioning is asking,yeah you can have sex and be pregnant in a week,that means your a week pregnant.
Around week 18
Just have unprotected sex.
You can find out you are pregnant 14 days after you had sex.
Because your pregnant who did u have sex with come on and tell
You can get pregnant a week before your period, the week of your period, and the week after your period, and some pregnancy tests are faulty.
No, but a pregnancy test can.
It is very unlikely, however any time you have unprotected sex there is a chance of becoming pregnant.
Absolutely!! Congratulations!!