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There are 2 different holes u pee out of one and the period out the other!

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8mo ago

Yes, you can take a urine test while on your period. Menstrual blood is not typically present in the urine sample collected for testing, so it should not interfere with the accuracy of the results. However, be sure to follow any specific instructions provided by the healthcare provider or testing facility.

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Q: Can you take urine test on your period?
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Can you take a urine test while on your period?

Yes, you can take a urine test while on your period. Doctors can tell the difference between period blood and other blood, but just to be sure, tell the doctor before hand that you have your period so they know that nothing is wrong.

Can you do a Urine test while you are having period?

There is no reason why you can not do a urine test while you are on your period, but the issue is there should be no reason for you to need to do a urine test if you are having a period. If you are having a period, it is highly unlikely that you would be pregnant.

Should i wait to miss a period in order to take a pregnancy test?

You should always wait after you miss your period to do a urine test, otherwise the reading will be wrong.

When can confirm pregnancy in a urine test?

You can typically confirm pregnancy with a urine test as early as 7-10 days after conception, which is about one week after a missed period. It is recommended to take the test first thing in the morning when the hormone levels are most concentrated in the urine.

Used a condom on the 23rd Period was due on the 29th it is now the 2nd and still no period Took a pregnancy test on the 1st and it was negative Could you still be pregnant?

yes but it is too soon to test. a positive blood test takes 2 weeks after conception to test positive and a urine test can take up to 3 weeks. if taking a urine test take first thing in the morning your hormones are the most concentrated

When is the earliest time you can take an EPT?

Some tests say you can use them 2 or 3 days before your period is due, but if you take it when your period does not come it will be more accurate. You can take a pregnancy test as soon as you are late for your period. The longer you wait to do the test, the higher the accuracy of the test.

Can transparent urine be a sign of pregnancy?

No, clear urine is a sign that you are drinking plenty of fluids, which is a good thing. Take a store pregnancy test after your missed period to confirm a pregnancy.

Does a pregnancy urine test work while being on period?


Can you do a urine culture while period?

yes, it does not affect the test

Could you take a pregncy test before you miss your period how early?

You can take a test up to 4 days earlier than your expected period. Though the longer you wait the more accurate it is. Also it is best to use your first morning urine.

You are on implanon and do not have a period however you are showing symptoms of pregnancy?

when in doubt, assume you are pregnant. then take a urine pregnancy test, and if that is negative. then you can also check by getting a blood pregnancy test.

Can you take pregnancy test if you had a light period and when should you do?

When your period Is over take the test.