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You should take your pill according to the schedule on the calendar, regardless of whether or not you're bleeding.

If it's your very first pack, you can start at any time in your cycle, including during your period. Just use a back up method of Birth Control, such as condoms or abstinence from vaginal sex, for the first seven days.

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Q: Can you take the birth control pill during your period?
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Do you have to wait for your period to start the birth control pill?

wait til the Sunday during or after your period

Will starting the birth control pill before your period delay it?

Starting the pill before your period may delay your period, but you may also have breakthrough bleeding during the first three cycles. If starting the pill before your period, use a back up birth control method for the first seven days.

If you get your period during the middle of your birth control is that normal?

yes, you can, especially after 3 or 4 months on the pill

What if you start the birth control pill a week before your period starts?

You can start the pill at any time during your cycle. If you start a week before your period, use a back up method of birth control for the first seven days of the pack.

Will starting birth control pills before period delay your period?

Starting the pill before your period may delay your period, but you may also have breakthrough bleeding during the first three cycles. If starting the pill before your period, use a back up Birth Control method for the first seven days.

Is it safe to stop birth control when period exist?

You are suppose to be off of the pill while you have your period. The pills you take during your period are only sugar and do nothing.

You only get your period if you take birth control?

No. You get a period with/without the pill. All the pill does is protect you from getting pregnant.

Can the birth control pill make your period late?

Hello there. Yes a period can be delayed if you have missed some of your birth control pills.

Should you talk to your doctor if you do not get a period at all during your first month of use of the pill?

If this is your first month on birth control and you have not missed any pills, then see your Doctor. If you have missed pills or took too many pills, then this is why your period hasn't arrived. A period not arriving during the first month of birth control is not uncommon and can be due to your body becomming used to the medication or pregnancy. If you had unprotected intercourse during the first month of taking birth control then I would recommend you perform a pregnancy test.

Will starting birth control pills before your period make your period come later?

Yes, if you start the birth control pill for the first time before your period, your period will come later. It usually comes during the last week of the cycle.

Is it normal for your period to last longer than usual if you started taking birth control on the first day of your period?

Yes, sometmes when you start birth control you will have break through bleeding and it can tie in with your period since you started the pill during your period.

Should you stop taking the birth control pill if you get your period?

You should continue taking the birth control pill daily as scheduled regardless of bleeding.