A true period is an event that happens after ovulation. Bleeding other than a period can happen without ovulation, but is called withdrawal bleeding (which is the kind you get when you are on hormonal contraceptives) or breakthrough bleeding. If you are concerned about your health because you are not having periods taking artificial hormones is not going to help, but only make your health worse. If you are waiting for a first period, don't despair, it will come! If you are in a state of amenorrhea do some things to improve your health and you can bring your period back.
No. If you get periods, you can get pregnant.
i would ask a doctor if i were you could be serious my friends have terrible periods and when they take birth control for it they don't get them as much periods but to never start? i would ask a doctor
If you are not having sex/unprotected sex, you can start your birth control whenever you want.
When they start having sex and want to be protected.
First, there is no such medical concept as "virginity." Second, yes, you can get birth control before or after you start having sex.
too soon for your husband
Unfortunately this does sometimes happen with birth control but its not as common as having irregular periods for a few months after stopping birth control. Perform a pregnancy test if you suspect pregnancy or see your Doctor.
Yes. When you start taking birth control pills, your menstrual cycle will usually change. It will become lighter and less irregular. But when you start the pill, your menstrual cycle has to get use to the changes, and will start your cycle early because it will now be different because of the birth control pills. Your periods might be irregular the first couple of times after starting the pill
The only way to stop an irregular period is to start taking birth control. Usually, you will become very regular when taking the pill and some people stop having periods all together when they go on the shot.
You can start your birth control the Sunday after your period.
STOP USING THE BIRTH CONTROL AND SEE YOUR DOCTOR. Not sticking to the label and starting birth control at a time other than the first day of your period can completely mess up your hormonal balance. Also bleeding for two weeks isn't very healthy. Get off that pill and see you doctor, they will probably just tell you to wait until your periods are back to normal and then follow the procedure of taking birth control correctly, but you should really go see a doctor anyway. There may be more reasons you are bleeding.