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You can but you will get a inaccurate result. Wait till your period arrives. If it doesn't arrive then you do a test. If it DOES arrive then you are not pregnant.

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Q: Can you take a pregnancy test a week before your period is due?
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Can a pregnancy result show up in a home pregnancy test 10 after sex?

IT may,it depends on when your period it expected. It is more accurate to take the pregnancy test at the most,Five days before your missed period. It will be most accurate to take the pregnancy test the day before your missed period.

Is seven days before a missed period to soon to take a pregnancy test?

Taking a pregnancy test seven days before a missed period won't be accurate.

Are sore breasts before period is due is it too early for a pregnancy test?

Sore breasts before period is normal. If you miss your period, take a test

Is 9 days before a missed period to soon to take a pregnancy test?

Yes it is, you should take the test at the earliest which is 5 days before a missed period. 5 days before a missed period? how is she going to know her period is not going to come ahead of time? I would wait until the period doesnot come to take the test or only take it before the period if you believe you are having an unwanted pregnancy.

How long after intercourse could you take a pregnancy test?

You should take a pregnancy test shortly after your missed period. That is when a home pregnancy test is most effective. Although I have heard you can do a blood test at the doctor as soon as 2 weeks before your missed period.

If I'm 3 or 4 weeks pregnant can you take a pregnancy test now?

Yes, you can take a pregnancy test when you miss your period, or some tests claim five days before your period.

Can you get pregnant 3 days before your period and then have a very light period?

Yes. Take a pregnancy test

Is cramping before your period a sign of pregnancy or of your period coming soon?

It's a sign of your period coming soon. However, if you miss your period, take a pregnancy test

Can you take a pregnancy test 5 weeks before your period if you think your pregnant?

Yes you can.

Will a pregnancy test tell me if im pregnant two weeks before my period is supposed to start?

No. If your period doesn't arrive, then take a test

How many days before your period should I wait to take a pregnancy test?

Most women wait until their period is overdue. They don't take a test before their period. Why waste money on a test when you don't suspect that you're pregnant?

Can you take pregnancy test if you had a light period and when should you do?

When your period Is over take the test.