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Sure. It's just that the bubble gets red.

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Q: Can you take a bubble bath during your period?
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Can you take a bath during period?


How do you get your Sims to take a bubble bath in The Sims 3?

All you have to do is go to the store and buy the bubble bath (or if you're lucky you could catch it in a box while fishing). Then, when it's in your inventory, go back to your home and move it to the edge of your bathtub. After it's there, you should just be able to click on the bathtub and two options will come up. One will say "Take Bath" and the new option will say "Take Bubble Bath". Click on "Take Bubble Bath" and then your sim will be on their way to taking a bubble bath that will soothe them and relieve stress.

Can girls take bubble baths?

Sure a good bubble bath is a great way to relax.

Does every Muslim have to take bath?

a Muslim should take back in some especial cases. some cases for women and some for men. for example a Muslim have a sex intercourse should take bath after it. or when a woman finishes monthly period should take bath but during period should not take bath. and so on the detailed instructions can be found in sharia laws and by asking from an Imam.

Why women should not take bath during menstrual period?

It's not very nice to bath with others (blood in the water) but there is no reason why you can't have a bath on your own.

What would you do to have your period faster?

take a warm bath

Is it ok to have a bath when im on my period?

Perfectly fine. When you get into the water your flow will stop for the amount of time that you are in the water. When you get out, after a few minutes you're flow will continue, so as soon as you get out, dry off & put a tampon in. You will NOT be bathing in your own blood, you won't leak, and for the length of time you are in the water, you can have a normal bath. Keep in mind though, everything there is more sensitive when on you're period, so a normal bath is fine, but don't have a bubble bath or anything where you are sitting in soap for long periods of time as that can cause an infection.

How do you max out a Sim's hygiene?

Direct it to take a Shower, Bath, or Bubble Bath. It will stop showering or bathing as soon as its Hygiene meter is full.

Can pregnant women take bubble-baths?

As long as the temperate of the water does not exceed 100 degrees F, you can take a bath while pregnant.

Did you take bath during periods?


Why cant take i bath when having my period?

YES! JUST TAKE A BATH! Its easier than a shower. just wipe good before going in. also NEVER wear a tampon while in the bath!

What time period does the wife of bath take place?

in the days of King Arthur.