No is a good resource for these decorations. Consider searching for The Nightmare Before Christmas decorations, or asking for this in stores, as the movie blends Halloween and Christmas very well.
Well, Twelfth Night is the night of 6th January (Epiphany), which is traditionally the end of Christmastide. The first day of Christmas is Christmas Day, with the first night being that night (after the day). If you count forward you find the Twelfth Day is the 5th of January, with Twelfth Night being the night at the end of that day, being the night before Epiphany. People used to celebrate things a lot on the nights before them, like having Midnight Mass on the night before Christmas Day, or the Easter Vigil on the night before Easter, or Halloween (All Hallow's Eve) on the night before All Saint's Day (All Hallow's Day). The Twelve Days of Christmas are Christmastide, when people used to take a holiday and party for 12 days. It's bad luck to leave your decorations up after Twelfth Night.
You can find ideas and instructions for handcrafted Christmas decorations on this site ( You can make anything from homemade paper stars to candy cane signposts.
--I'd say in the beginning of January! :) Happy New Year! --Twelfth Night, or January fifth, is the final day of the Twelve Days of Christmas. After that you take down your decorations. But of coarse it's entirely up to you.
Oftentimes Christmas decorations will be on sale before the "main" Christmas season so you may find good deals at Halloween time. Usually peak time is when they will be most expensive.
Typically, lights are placed on the Christmas tree first before adding decorations. This helps to evenly distribute the light around the tree and makes it easier to see where to place the ornaments.
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The tradition in the US is that the Christmas season begins as soon as Thanksgiving is over. But it's really up to you, when (or if) you want to put up Christmas decorations. The religious police will not arrest you for failure to decorate on schedule.
It is believed to be okay to put up Christmas lights a little before or after Thanksgiving, but this is still more of a personal choice. Most stores put out Christmas decorations right after Halloween in preparation.
Many people begin shopping for Christmas decorations very early in the year. Because Christmas is such a huge holiday, most people like to spread out the expenses over the course of several months. It actually helps the customers to have decorations out early to help with budgeting.