You must wait up to 6-8 weeks after having them pierced, Also once you have stretched your ears you must wait 4 months to a year after each stretch to allow healing to take place.
Assuming your lip was pierced at 18g and you want to stretch it to 16g, you must first wait the healing time suggested by your piercer. Then, wait a few more months and buy a piece of 16g jewelry and see if it will fit into your lip painlessly and without resistance. If it does, then you have stretched successfully! If not, wait another month and repeat.
11 of them. all but February -nicci
Yes with someone 21+ that's had their license for atleast 6 months
Youu should at leat know her for atleast 2 months ;
The best time to for a sow to give birth is when they are younger than atleast 8 months. As the gestation period of guinea pigs is about 62 days, that means atleast two months before this, when they are from 3-6 months old. Some females have been able to conceive at only 3 weeks old, but this is not suggested. A guinea pig female should not be bred unless she is over atleast 1-2 pounds. I would suggest atleast 1 1/2 pounds.
atleast 6 months to a year
you have to have your permit for atleast 6 months
Buy Mederma online to get rid form stretch mark. Apply thrice in a day at least 3 to 6 months depend on oldness of stretch marks.
atleast six glasses of milk daily
As early as possible. If you are not a US citizen then you should atleast have 6 months in validity while if you are a US citizen and under a closed loope cruise, you can have atleast 3 months in validity. Depends on the travel arrangements.
in law it is where you agree atleast 6 months in advance of your divorce papers being handed into the solicitors, you then have 2 months in which to withdraw your papers.
no you can not breed your holland lop rabbit at four months old!