Some women can skip a period by starting the next pack of pills early, shortening or eliminating the pill free week. Other women may have unscheduled bleeding or spotting as a result. There is no increased risk of pregnancy from doing so.
Right on the first day. It will take a month before the pills will be effective.
Hi, No never skip to sugar pills when this happens or it will throw your cycle off completely. Continue to take the pills as prescribed. So take the active pills and then the sugar pills when it is time.
the pills you take when your having your piriod have nothing in them they are just sugar pills so if this did happen. you should keep taking your pills assigned for when you are off your period when your period starts stop taking them for 7 days and then start a new pack the right way. the only difference from starting backwards is that the first week did nothing for you and you were not protected from getting pregnant. a better option would probibly be to stop having sex and taking your pills wait until your next period and start the right way.
No it's not. It's not even your real period, u can just skip the placebo pills and start tKing the active pills right away and u will not even get your period. I wouldn't do it every month unless you talk with your doc!
it depends,if your on the 28 pack and take ur sugar pills, it wont stop you from getting ur period.if u wanna miss ur period dont take the sugar pills and continue right away wit the new pack of pills
Normally you would take 3 weeks active pills, and 1 week nonactive. To skip your period you would take active pills in place of nonactive for the 4th week. When you would normally start a new pack, right after the 4th week, is when you would start.
YES! Continue with the active pills, stopping after you have begun a new pack is not the answer!What you are experiencing is break through bleeding. If you did not take any placebo pills, but went right to the new packet of active pills - you cannot be experiencing withdrawal bleeding - which is associated with the 7 days of inactive pills. This bleeding will more than likely only last a couple days.Breakthrough bleeding is most common in the first 3 to 6 months, if you continue to have breakthrough bleeding consult with your OB/GYN.If you are taking mini-pills (AKA POP or *"Progestin only Pills") call your provider as break through bleeding can mean you are ovulating.*generic name: levonorgestrel
The blue ones are faux pills and not taking the white ones is what starts your period. They are hormones and they tell your body not to have a period. The blue ones just keep you on track so you can have the right number of days before you start your new cycle of pills.
Yes you can but it really depens on what BC pills you're taking. If you get a period with these BC pills then start a new pack. Contact your doctor or Pharmacist for medical advice relating to these pills.
You have increased the change of becoming pregnant by not taking them in the right order. Also taking the normal pill when you should be taking the last ones will delay your normal cycle.
In theory if you have taken your pills regularly and correctly then your period should occur sometime during the seven days that you take the placebo pills. Since normal menstruation occurs approximately 14 days after the first day of your last period, and you only have about a 2 day window during that egg can be fertilized and conception can occur, by the time you reach the placebo pills you should be at least a week past being able to conceive. Having unprotected sex at this time should not result in pregnancy unless you have only recently begun taking the pill or have a history of very irregular menstrual cycles. If you do not have a period at all during the time that you are taking the placebo pills you should probably take a home pregnancy test to make sure that you are not pregnant, especially if you missed any doses since your last period or were on any medications that may have lowered the efficiency of your pills.