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Liquid diet can exacerbate diarrhea (e.g. make it worse). However, before you say you "love" diarrhea, it might be worthwhile to understand the reasons mammals have diarrhea and what happens during diarrhea.

The first issue is a major fluid shift into the large intestines. Normally, fluid floods into the small intestines to help break down food stuff. Fluid helps MASH it up AND to transfer vitamins and nutrients from the small intestines. In the large intestines, the excess fluid is pulled back out so the fluid goes to the kidneys as wastes.

When we're sick, eat something spoiled, or have some other medical condition, the fluid balance gets off-balance. Fluid stays in and floods into the large intestines, making it impossible for the large intestines to compact the wastes... this results in loose stool. Because the fluids did not get transferred from the small intestines to the kidneys correctly, the fluids contain higher toxins, E Coli, fats, etc plus vitamins and nutrients your body needs.

Because the watery stool contains junk the kidneys would have cleaned up, and because of the frequency of having loose stools, the rectum inside, the anus, and perineum can become very irritated and sore. Higher rates of "wiping" can break down the skin, which can lead to infection.

In addition, the person is getting less nutrients and vitamins, which can lead to numerous illnesses and diseases. You may also become dehydrated with neither the kidneys nor the large intestine removing enough fluid.

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Q: Can you still have diarrhea if you are on a liquid diet as you love having diarrhea?
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Most people follow the BRAT diet after experiencing diarrhea. The BRAT diet advises eatingBananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast to ease stomach pain and help stop the diarrhea symptoms.

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