No as you willl have no ovaries to produce eggs nor tubes to carry these to the uterus
Unilateral YES. Bilateral NO
Not if its bilateral (both sides) as there are no ovaries to produce ova.
Not in bilateral (both) there's nothing to clear out as there are no ova released. Yes if its unilateral as the remaining ovary will still produce eggs. Obviously if the uterus is removed also, by way of hysterectomy at the same time you will not menstruate
This depends on whether you have a unilateral (one ovary) removed or bilateral (both) oopherectomy. It is still poosible to become pregnant if unilateral oopherectomy however bilateral results in no eggs being produced therefore no possibility of pregnacy. It would also not be possible to bear children following a hysterectomy (removal of uterus).
I had a unilateral Salpingo Oophorectomy as a cyst on my right ovary had ruptured and caused severe infection. I was in the hospital for a week afterwards, and during that time I was supposed to be on birth control pills, but due to the nature of the surgery I stopped taking them. My period began a few days after the surgery as it normally does when I take a break from the pill, though I did notice it was lighter (I've always had heavy periods). From this, I think that the effect is minimal, as the remaining ovary is still ovulating.
Yes, you may feel occasional flushes, lethargy and an odd desire to run down the high street waving an axe. You will not necessarily need HRT and may still be able to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term.
If you are talking about a Pap Smear, the answer is yes. Pap smear is a sample of your cervical tissue which is the lower part of your uterus. Bilateral salpingo-opphorectomy is only removing the fallopian tube and ovaries.
If both ovaries are removed then you wouldn't be able to get pregnant because there would be no eggs producing. However, if you have only one ovary you can still get pregnant as long as you have a period.
Typically if you get your period you are not pregnant.
this means you are no longer pregnant. you were either not pregnant, or you have lost the baby.
if spotting can you still be pregnant?
More than likely you still can get pregnant.