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would you know where i can buy the cartridges

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Q: Can you still buy tear gas pen guns?
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Are aeg airsoft guns the best to buy?

ya, its cheaper then gas and still works great. ps if your looking for the best aeg buy a KWA M4

What would happen if you shot a 38 special bullet out of a Hercules model 35 pen gunnot a gas bullet?

There were tear gas pen guns that were intended ONLY to fire a cartridge with a load of crystalized CN tear gas. If you fired a standard .38 Special cartridge with a metal bullet in one of those tear gas guns, something very bad is about to happen. At the least, the tear gas gun would be destroyed. Upper end of bad- it will kill you. Medium bad- when gun blows up, will take your hand with it.

Where can you buy gas canisters for gas powered bb guns in Australia?

Try the stores that sell the item.

Which gass is tearing gass?

Tear gas is actually not a gas, but a vapor. Most tear gas was based on CN- (Phenacyl chloride). Newer riot control gasses are based on CS (2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile)- but are still a vapor and not a gas.

Can military personnel buy tear gas?

No. If CS tear gas is required for a mission, it is issued. Being in the military does not allow you to personally own any types of weapons which are not available to the general public.

Are New Zealand teenagers alloed BB guns?

Yes, New Zealand teenagers are allowed BB guns that are not very high velocity (e.g gas or electric). Most leading brands will have an age limit for their BB guns and that will still be a factor if you are trying to buy one.

Collective noun for guns and machine guns?

An arsenal is a sizable stockpile of guns and other military hardware kept by a nation, organisation, or individual. These nations are dedicated to eliminating the majority of their nuclear stockpiles. They are well-equipped with weapons, machine guns, landmines, and tear gas.

Which gas is used in tear gas and which gas is used in laughing gas?

Tear gas contains chemicals such as chloroacetophenone or CS gas. Laughing gas is nitrous oxide.

What is a van karner gas gun?

The Van Karner gas gun fires tear gas cartridges. It is a copy of the german Scheintod pistol made in the early 1900's. Van Karner also made flair guns which were used in WW2.

What are anti-riot equipment?

guns&knives No, no no. Guns & knives are lethal. The idea of putting down a riot is to do it in a non-lethal way. Anti-riot equipment consists of tear gas, helmets, shields, clubs, and water cannon. Guns with rubber bullets are sometimes used; painful but non-lethal.

What is the name of gas contain in tear gas?


What chemical is known as tear gas?

The chemical commonly known as tear gas is known as chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (CS). It is a riot control agent that irritates the mucous membranes, causing tearing, coughing, and temporary blindness to incapacitate individuals.