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I can still buy mecuricome in Washington state. It no longer contains Mercury though.

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Q: Can you still buy mecuricome
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Is mecuricome still sold?

No. It contained mercury and the FDA pulled.

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What is mecuricome?

Mecuricome is a dark red topical antiseptic containing mercury. Before the proliferation of over the counter first aid medicines, and FDA regulations which stopped its manufacture, Mecuricome was used throughout the world to treat minor cuts, scrapes, sores, and other external infectious conditions. The liquid was only sold in small quantities, since one application by Q-tip was extremely effective.

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Mercuricome and iodine are both antiseptics used to disinfect wounds. The main difference is that mercuricome contains mercury, which can be toxic if absorbed through the skin or ingested, while iodine does not contain mercury and is considered safer for topical use. Iodine also has the added benefit of having broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties.

What is the difference between mecuricome and metholiate?

Both Mercurochrome and Merthiolate are topical antiseptic solutions used to prevent infection in minor cuts and scrapes. Mercurochrome contains mercury while Merthiolate contains thimerosal. Thimerosal is a mercury-based compound, but in a different form and concentration compared to the mercury in Mercurochrome.

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