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Yes, it can even start at nine! Or as late as 15. It starts during puberty, which usually starts at 11, 12 or 13 in the USA. Puberty has been trending earlier with each generation, so it's not unusual for girls to start their periods at 10.

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Q: Can you start your period at 10?
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When do you start to see your period?

From ages 9-17. I started when I was 10.

When do you start your period after ovulation?

14-16 days after the start of your period.

How do you make your period start at age 10 because all of my friends get them?

You can't

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that's a great age to start because they start at the age of 10-18

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yes 110 is overweight i am also 110 and i am 10 and also 4'11 and yes she is overweight close to obese and i haven't start my period yet whatever that is

When will your first period start?

Most girls start their period when they are 12-14, but you can start as early as 8 and as late as 18. I started my period when I was just 10. You're breasts start developing 2 years before you have you're being the onset of you period (usually). If you haven't started and you're breasts have been growing for 2 years you should see a doctor.

How many days do you ovalute after peiord?

The average is 10-14 days after the start of your last period.

When does girls period start?

Well, it usually ranges anywhere from 10-13. but it can start as early as 8 years old or as late as 15.

Can first period start as brownish spotting. Daughter age 10?

Yes, it usually does. And 10 isn't an abnormal age for first period either. Just be there for her, because it's probably a confusing time for her.

I am 11 when will I start your period?

Everyone is different. Average age is around 12 or 13 but some start at 10 and others at 16. Just be patient.

When would you get your period?

When you reach the age 9 to 16 you will start to get pubity. i got my period when i was 10 years old... Everybodys body is different... hope this helps. :)