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Generally no. Most stains must absorb into the concrete. If the stain just sits on top of the sealer then it will likely wear away.

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Q: Can you stain after sealing concrete floor?
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Why Concrete Staining May Be of Benefit if You Have a Concrete Floor?

No one likes his or her concrete floor to look like a dull, boring, gray floor. There are many things you can do with a concrete floor - you can install tile on top of it, you can carpet it, or you can paint it. All of these things can create many undesired issues, however. If you install carpet on your concrete floor and there happens to be any flood or water damage issues going on, eventually you will have mold growing underneath your carpet. So, as you can see, this option can create a definite health hazard. If you place tile on a concrete floor, there is always the chance that the tile won’t adhere to the concrete particularly well. Plus, if you ever decide to pull the tile up from the floor, the adhesive that is underneath the tile will be particularly hard to remove. Painting is another option, but paint can chip and wear quite easily if your concrete floor has heavy foot traffic on it. The best option, by far, is concrete staining for your concrete floor. Concrete staining does not have to be any more expensive, nor any more difficult than other methods of improving upon a concrete floor. Some people may choose to hire professionals to do such a staining project, while others want to attempt to complete the project themselves. You do not necessarily have to have experience to complete such a project, but you need a ton of patience to finish the floor. It may be worth it to you to have a professional stain the floor if you feel that you do not have the time or patience to complete the project. However, it is obviously going to be much cheaper to complete the concrete staining yourself. Overall, concrete staining can give your basement or other concrete floor a very elegant and finished look. It may be the best option you have when it comes to improving upon your concrete floor. Now is the time to choose the particular stain that you want for your floor. You can pick different stains, depending on how you want your floor to look.

Can you install a real wood floor on top of a concrete floor?

You can. You start by applying moisture barrier to the concrete--flooring stores have it--then gluing the hardwood to the concrete.

Is floor is a concrete noun?

Yes, the noun 'floor' is a concrete noun.A concrete noun is a word for something that can be experienced by any of the five physical senses; something that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.A floor can be seen and touched.

concrete injection leveling?

form_title=concrete injection leveling form_header=7633 How would you best describe the concrete damage?*= [] Heaving [] Settling [] Cracking "Are there any special applications, or finishes, on the concrete that is being repaired?"*= [] "Special color, stain, or other additive [] Lightweight concrete [] Exposed aggregate finish [] Smooth trowel finish [] Brush textured finish (slip-resistant) [] Salt finished" Please identify the location of the concrete leveling project.*= [] Finish floor in a living space [] Subflooring in a living space [] Garage or basement floor [] Driveway/parking area [] Exterior walkway/patio [] Pad for a light structure [] Steps

How does the cost of slate flooring compare to concrete?

A finished concrete floor is generally less expensive than a slate or stone floor. A simple professionally poured concrete floor can average about $5.00 a square meter. An installed slate floor costs considerably more that concrete depending on the tile you choose and installation costs. Slate flooring is more expensive than concrete. Stamped concrete is also an option that looks nice but it is still less than slate.

Related questions

Is wood stain or concrete stain better to put on tile floor?

Concrete stain would be your bestbet. But u need to treat the surface before you stain. Go to Home Depot or Lowe's and ask for the prep info.

What can be done to a concrete that continues to dust away when it is broom swept?

You could consider sealing the concrete. If it is inside a garage, there are some epoxy floor coatings.

Does gas stain concrete?

any liquid will stain concrete, even water. If you have A "water mark" from any liquid, You can use floor dry or kitty litter and put it on then rub it in with your feel, This takes A lot of foot work but the result will be worth it if you are that woried about the stain.

How do you get cat puke off concrete floor?

Start by scraping off everything you can with a spatula or similar tool. The stain and residue on the concrete may be permanent, but you could try concrete cleaners designed to get oil stains out.

Concrete Staining?

form_title= Concrete Stain form_header= Keep your home beautiful with a concrete stain. What is the square footage of the area?*= _ [50] Do you need someone to install the concrete stain?*= () Yes () No What type of concrete stain do you want?*= _ [50]

What is wood stain used for?

Wood stain is for sealing and emphasising the natural colour of wood

Concrete Staining can Transform a Cold, Gray Floor?

When a home owner pictures their garage or basement, the image almost always includes a gray concrete floor. Until recently, these cold concrete floors have been the standard for concrete flooring. Recently, however, home owners have discovered that it’s possible to stain a concrete floor. These stains are easy to use, and available in a wide variety of colors and hues. The garage or basement floor can now match the decor of the rest of the house. Concrete stain is available at almost any paint store or home improvement store. Because they come in a wide variety of colors, it’s important to test the colors that are being considered. The shades and hues of the color may vary depending on the shade of the concrete, so it’s a good idea to test any color before staining the entire floor. Most stores that sell concrete stain will have a sample to test with. It is recommended to test on an area of the floor that is out of sight. The next task will be to clean and repair the concrete floor. Any cracks or pieces of dirt on the floor will become more apparent once the stain is applied. After any cracks have been repaired and all dirt has been swept up and vacuumed, it’s a good idea to wash the concrete floor. A wet vac is the perfect tool for this. Taking this step before staining the floor will guarantee that the finished product will be exactly what the home owner has in mind. Most concrete stains require that they be mixed with water. It’s a good idea to read any documentation that came with the stain, or any instructions on the side of the can. Once the stain is prepared, it’s ready to be applied. It’s always a good idea to start at the back of the room being stained. Ideally, one person should use a sprayer to spray on the stain, while a second person will follow behind using a broom to scrub in the solution. The broom may leave brush stroke marks, so it’s a good idea to go back over an area with the sprayer to apply a second coat. This strategy can be used to systematically stain the entire concrete floor. Once the stain is applied, it will require an amount of time to dry. During this time, no one should walk or touch the floor. Once it’s dry, the concrete should be cleaned again. After that, the work is done. The stained concrete floor is now part of the house, and not just a cold, gray floor.

Can you color an existing concrete slab floor?

Yes, you can stain a concrete slab. It is a several step process and costs about $.50 a square foot to do it yourself. See attached link for process.

How do you paint concrete floors and walls?

most Hardware stores have paints specifically for concrete floors and walls and these will work on garage floors also, but to apply the paint, a roller works good, or you can mask and spray it.

What can be used instead of epoxy coating on finished concrete floor for an AC factory?

Most of the home Centers have shifted from sealing to Honing & polisging the concrete, smooth, easy to clean, no dusting and looks a lot like terrazzo

Why Concrete Staining May Be of Benefit if You Have a Concrete Floor?

No one likes his or her concrete floor to look like a dull, boring, gray floor. There are many things you can do with a concrete floor - you can install tile on top of it, you can carpet it, or you can paint it. All of these things can create many undesired issues, however. If you install carpet on your concrete floor and there happens to be any flood or water damage issues going on, eventually you will have mold growing underneath your carpet. So, as you can see, this option can create a definite health hazard. If you place tile on a concrete floor, there is always the chance that the tile won’t adhere to the concrete particularly well. Plus, if you ever decide to pull the tile up from the floor, the adhesive that is underneath the tile will be particularly hard to remove. Painting is another option, but paint can chip and wear quite easily if your concrete floor has heavy foot traffic on it. The best option, by far, is concrete staining for your concrete floor. Concrete staining does not have to be any more expensive, nor any more difficult than other methods of improving upon a concrete floor. Some people may choose to hire professionals to do such a staining project, while others want to attempt to complete the project themselves. You do not necessarily have to have experience to complete such a project, but you need a ton of patience to finish the floor. It may be worth it to you to have a professional stain the floor if you feel that you do not have the time or patience to complete the project. However, it is obviously going to be much cheaper to complete the concrete staining yourself. Overall, concrete staining can give your basement or other concrete floor a very elegant and finished look. It may be the best option you have when it comes to improving upon your concrete floor. Now is the time to choose the particular stain that you want for your floor. You can pick different stains, depending on how you want your floor to look.

What are the homophones for sealing?

ceiling not the floor,but the ceiling