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do you mean doxycycline? an antibiotic? if it's an antibiotic, then yea, you can smoke weed, man.

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Q: Can you smoke weed while on DOXYCYCL HY 100 mg?
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How many jamaicans smoke marijuana?

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Did Elvis smoke weed?

Yes he did 100%. It is fully confirmed.

What percent of nhl hockey players smoke weed?

100 percent

Is it ok to smoke weed while your wisdom tooth growing in?

100% GUARANTEE IF YOU ASK ME. I'm on a session right now while my wisdom tooth is growing and the pain reief is gone while I'm high.

If you smoke weed once how long does it take for you to pass a saliva test 100?

like 3 days

6 bowls of weed weighs about how much?

Depends on how much you smoke, how good your weed is, etc. A single person might smoke 100 milligrams of marijuana at one time. Some people can get high with 20 milligrams, others might smoke a bong or blunt using 1000 milligrams. On average, probably about 100 milligrams for one person to get high one time. An eight (eight ounce) of marijuana weights about 3500 milligrams.

How many black people smoke weed?

It is not accurate or fair to make generalizations about any group of people based on race. Smoking weed is a personal choice that individuals of all races make.

Does doxycycl hyc cap 100 clear system of drugs?

No. Doxycycline is an antibiotic. It clears your system of infection ("bad" bacteria).

How do you get rid of weeds in Farmerama?

When you click on the weed, there will be a little shovel symbol. It will take a little while for the weed to be dug up. If the weed is still there and the timer is at 100%, refresh the page. Hope this helps :P xox

If I smoke weed once a week how long will it stay in my system please use info and knowledge that you are 100 percent sure about?

it depends on how much you smoke. for every hit you take you need to give yourself 12 hrs to get it out of your system.

Why do peoples eyes get small when they smoke weed like their chinky eyed when they smoke weed why does that happen?

being high has an effect on the body, and some weeds, not all. will effect your eye lids. where you don't have 100% control over them. so they tend to droop for example, when you get Novocain infected in your mouth. you don't have control of holding saliva in your mouth.

Can weed get in your system through toutch?

100% no,our skin doesn't absorb weed