This route of administration is certainly possible, although it may be wasteful, as more smoke is likely to be lost with this method than if one were to use a bowl, bubbler or similar smoking device. Also, this should not be attempted in areas where salvia has become illegal.
Salvia bonfire and other salvia varieties are not safe for smoking or getting high. People are dying from trying to smoke chemically altered vegetation.
You should ask that to your doctor, salvia is used by smoking it, though salvia's smoke is not unhealthy as cigarette's are, any kind of smoke is bad for people with asthma.
smoke it
Smoke shops usually get bad quality salvia, I suggest you to try an online store.
that is what you smoke but the strong stuff is not for beginners sorry
For Cj to smoke a blunt, it would be a mod and not a cheat.
Miley did smoke Salvia, but she does not smoke it regulary.
It is not recommended to smoke salvia divinorum from your local plant store, as it can be dangerous and unpredictable due to its strong psychoactive effects. It is best to use caution and research the plant's effects before considering its consumption.
Smoke shops usually get bad quality salvia.
u can smoke a blunt! :)
Salvia divinorum is the only species in the genus Salvia that contains Salvinorins. Thus, smoking other species of Salvia, including the ornamental Mystic Blue, would not have the same effect.