NO! the leaves contain less THC than the actual buds.
not really since they are usually low on thc u want to smoke the buds. but u still can smoke the leaves dried but it wont get you as high as buds would which grow during harvest time
yes but the male plants will pollenate the female plants,makeing you weed verry seedy
You smoke my weed!
Cannabis comes in many different colors, but all strains have the same anatomy. Cannabis is a two sexed plant. The female plant is the one that produces the buds that we smoke. In the absence of male plants to pollinate them, they will not develop seeds.
Male weed plants do not produce buds or flowers for consumption like female plants do. Their main function is to produce pollen for fertilizing female plants to produce seeds. If left unattended, male plants do not yield any usable cannabis.
You can get medicated to smoke weed if you have glacoma.
yes she smoke alot of weed.
A rhyme for small parts of wild plants could be "buds and shoots, stems and roots."
California of corse
don't smoke weed