Oh, dude, technically speaking, you can't smoke a cigarette through your anus because it's not designed for that kind of activity. Your mouth and lungs are the designated smoking areas, so let's stick to the traditional method and leave the backdoor out of it, shall we?
smoke comes through the filter on the cigarette and into your lungs
You can inhale the cigarette smoke, but not the cigarette. To smoke is to inhale the smoke when it's in your lips. You also can inhale the smoke when the cigarette smoke is near to your nose, or through your open mouth. But never try to do it. Smoking is very harmful.
Sidestream Smoke. More than half the pollutants emitted by a cigarette come not from the smokedend of the cigarette but from its other end - the cigarette's burning end - and are called sidestream smoke.
The Green Smoke cigarette is better than real cigarette, it has no tar in it but does have nicotine.
Cigarette Smoke Phantom was created in 2002.
If i test to see how cigarette smoke affects household plants, then it will be that cigarette smoke has shown to have an plants though it with oxygen.
'Side stream smoke' refers to smoke that is not inhaled through, say, a cigarette. It is unfiltered and therefore contains higher levels of toxins that cigarette filters remove. It burns from the END of the cigarette into the surrounding environment and can be inhaled by those nearby, the nearest of course being the smoker themselves.
yes do not smoke
Smoke a cigarette
There is no evidence that suggests sucking on an unlit cigarette can harm you. The chemicals in cigarettes aren't inhaled except through smoke.
Some second hand smoke is the smoke exhaled, and the other second hand smoke is smoke that comes off the burning end of cigarette.... You can notice a big difference in the color of those 2 types of smoke. smoking is the smoke inhaled only through the filter on a cigarette.
Yes, But it would take alot of smell to do so. About and smoke can be smelled it place that you smoke.