Sometimes you can. Asking your partner to slow down, or telling your partner that you need to slow down sometimes works.
If the other person is unwilling to slow down, however, then you reach a point where you either need to go fast, or end the relationship. If the other person won't listen to you or talk about it, then getting out is probably a good option.
You talk to the person immediatly and tell them that you would like to slow down, you can't let it keep going if you want it to last.
fast moving
They are generally slow.
If your feeling uncomfortable, big chance your going to fast. Don't rush into decisions. if you are unsure about your or your partners feelings you should let them know that you want to slow it down a bit.
The opposite of "slow down" is "speed up." This means to increase the pace or rate at which something is moving or progressing.
Fast moving stream
Not necessarily. A tree sloth moves slower than a slow, slow walk while a cheetah can run as fast as 60 miles per hour. That's as fast as your car moves while driving down the highway. Most mammals are somewhat fast moving.
fast. not that fast but fast.