i found the age out myself , it was built in 1894, first year COOL! but I'm still not sure on the ammo.
Yes if they have a liscense or a legally liscensed parent or gaurdian.
The answer is, it depends. If the ammo has been stored properly, it should function just fine. If not, you might experience ammo malfunctions. If you are unsure, it's best not to use it.
If it's stored properly, it can last a very long time. If it's ammo that has not been stored properly, or if it's ammo that is carried daily, it can sometimes (but not always) devolop problems in a year or two. Many trainers and instructors suggest that you shoot up your carry ammo every year or so.
With civiian ammo, it is the caliber. Military ammo- year made, and where
There has been an ammo shortage for over a year as a result of panic buying.
What year is a Parker Shotgun Serial number 126212
, It depends on the 12 year old. Can he shoot a 20 gauge shotgun? If so, then he should be OK with light ball in the Mosin-Nagant. If you reload, you might work up a load with Trail Boss to give him less kick while his shoulder gets conditioned. Josh Smith smith-sights.com
If you have a Browning auto-5 shotgun in 12 gauge it was made in the year 1925.If it is a 16 gauge shotgun,then it was made in the year 1929.
if you are asking about a browning auto-5 shotgun?The year of production of your browning shotgun is 1928.
Your serial number indicates that your Browning shotgun was made in the year 1970.
Your serial number indicates that your Ithaca shotgun was made in the year 1920.