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All this depends on the country and state laws, but in most of places civilians are allowed to fire AIRSOFT GUNS which you can get without filling a permission form. It is also a good way to practice aiming and shooting.

NOTE: Higher caliber pistols and rifles should be fired at a shooting range. You need a special permission to carry on this type of weaponry.

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Q: Can you shoot a gun in your yard?
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As long as you shoot it on your property at your property.

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If you shoot on your property at your property you will be fine.

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No only gays play with BB guns in back yard

Can you shoot a paintball gun in your yard in Charlton Massachusetts?

If you have the equipment, yes. Although you may want to ask if it's legal.

Where can you shoot your co2 pellet gun without the fear of hurting someone else?

Always be aware of you surroundings, I shoot in my back yard, Basement, Range, garage or open field.

Is it illegal to shoot a gun in your back guarden?

In this state it is illegal to shoot a gun inside the limits of any incorporated municipility. It is illegal to shoot a gun across any road. It is illegal to shoot toward any house. It is illegal to shoot toward any person. It is illegal to shoot without a license other than at a range or for a child under the direct supervision of an adult with a license. It is extremely easy to get a hunting license. The state makes a whole lot of money from people walking around with a gun who do not have a valid hunting license. It also makes a whole lot of money from the resale of their guns. You can get good deals at the public auctions. Whether or not it is legal to shoot from your back yard depends on where your back yard is and what is behind it.

Can you shoot sparrows in your yard with a pellet gun in Illinois?

See the attached link below for more information.

Can you shoot a BB Gun in Hamilton Ohio?

yes u can i do all the time in my back yard the cops dont say anything

Where can you have a airsoft bebe gun war?

in your own back yard, airsoft guns are legal on your own property to shoot, as long as your not shooting someone else who doesnt want to. its perfectly legal to shoot and use any airsoft gun no your own property.

Knife is to as gun is to shoot?

Knife is to Stab, as Gun is to Shoot.