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No. For one, the shorter .38 Special rounds won't seat in the magazine. Also, unlike revolvers, the Desert Eagle has a formed chamber in which the cartridge seats into the chamber in a manner so that proper headspace is achieved. A .38 Special cartridge will not achieve this headspace, and firing it under those conditions can be very dangerous to the firer and others.

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Q: Can you shoot a 38 special in a 357 desert eagle?
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Can you shoot 357 magnum ammo in a semi-auto?

Only the Coonan Arms .357 and .357 models of the Desert Eagle can do this.

Is desert eagle double action?

I owned a .357 Desert Eagle and it was double action.

Can 38 be used in 357?

.38 Special (and only .38 Special... no other. 38 cartridge) can be fired in a .357 Magnum revolver, but won't work in autoloaders such as the Desert Eagle or Coonan.

Is a desert eagle a 357 or 50?

.357 Magnum and .50 Action Express are both calibres the Desert Eagle was made available in, among others.

Can 38 special bullets be used in 357 magnum?

Yes you can. The casing of .38 special shells is a mere .10 inch shorter than a .357 magnum shell and will fire easily in a .357 revolver. I've owned a .357 revolver for years and shoot .38 special ammunition in it all the time. Side note: Don't try it in a .357 semi-auto pistol (like a Desert Eagle.) At best the gun will jam and at worst it might cause an unsafe pressure build up.

Can a revovler that takes a 38 special cartridge also shoot a 357 magnum cartridge?

NO,NO,NO,NO, CANNOT shoot the 357 cartridge in a 38 special, but you can shoot a 38 special cartridge in a 357 pistol.................the 38 cal. cylinder was not made to house the 357 cartridge or take the pressure.............

Is there a semi automatic pistol that can shoot 357 magnum?

Yes.. offhand, I know of two. Magnum Research made the Desert Eagle available in .357 Magnum, and Coonan Arms manufactured a semi-auto .357 Magnum, based on the M1911 pattern pistols.

Does a 357 desert eagle come in stainless steel?

Yes ,

What is more powerfull a 357 Magnum or a Desert Eagle?

What calibre Desert Eagle did you have in mind? The Desert Eagle came in .357 Magnum, but was also available in several considerably more powerful calibres, including .41 Magnum, .44 Magnum, .440 Cor-Bon, and .50 Action Express.

What is the value of a 1986 357 desert eagle now?

50- 700 usd

Will 357 semi-automatic pistol shoot 38 special bullets?

There are a very few semi-auto pistols that shoot .357 magnum (not .357 Sig). While they will fire .38 Special, it is as a single shot- they will not cycle the action.

Can a rossi 38 special pistol shoot 357 ammo?

No. 38 Special only.