NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANGER, DANGER, DANGER, DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNSAFE, UNSAFE, UNSAFE, UNSAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes. Use the right ammo. Older 16 g shotguns used a shorter shell.
Only a slug shell
12 gauge.
12 ga, 20 amp. 14 ga, 15 amp. 16 ga, 10 amp.
Would like to know how old my harrington richardson arms 16 ga shoot gun is worth
Depends almost entirely on the age and condition. Since 16 GA guns were not as common as 12 GA guns, a good 16 will bring more than a good 12.
Recommend you have it examined by a gunsmith.
Not recommended; will cause a bulge.
I have an Ithaca Crass Damascas Grade 2, It is a very nice gun. It's a 12 GA and I bought gaugemate reducer to 20 GA, I then bought black powder shells in 20 GA and have had no problems. I would suggest you do the same. They shoot great. If you want to hunt grouse, I would have the right barrel opened up to IC, or Skeet.
yes you can but onaly riffled slugs
Yes. It sure can.
I would use a 308 or 30-06 rifle!! ---------------------------------------------- 12 or 16 ga. - 00buck or 000buck or rifled slug. Few would use anything else.