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Absolutely you can shade with black liner ink. There are multiple companies that make a shading solution which is essentially sterile water,witch hazel and isopropyl alcohol. These solutions are used to efficiently dillute the black ink into a lighter type of grey wash. this can also be achieved by a cup of water and a drop or two of isopropyl alcohol added to your ink cap holding the black ink, of course the cup of water doesnt get added to the ink cap but by regularly dipping back and forth from cup to capthe same result is achieved. Althogh its essentially the samehower un economical when most grey wash actually cost less than a bottle of black ink for the same results. I suppose it is up to the artist on which of these methods he/she actually prefers.

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Q: Can you shade with liner tattoo ink?
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No. Learn how to shade the real way

Can you use eye liner ink as tattoo ink?

For the love of God...NO! If it is not tattoo "ink", which is a isn't actual ink, but pigment that as more akin to paint, but IS NOT PAINT, and you cannot use that either. The only thing other than actual tattoo ink that one can use would be India Ink, but this gives you poor results. Get real ink, and have a real artist do it.

Is tattoo ink flammable?

No, tattoo ink isn't flammable.

How do you mix tattoo ink to get a deeper red?

For this, you will add very small amounts of black ink to the red and thoroughly mix the two until you come to a hue that you are happy with. Other than this, you can simply buy the shade of ink that you are wanting to save yourself the time. If you do mix the ink yourself, write down and keep notes on how many drops you added to the ink that gave you the desired shade so you don't have to go through the process all over again if you are mixing the ink per tattoo as opposed to mixing it by bottle.

Does tattoo ink contain iodine?

No, tattoo ink does not typically contain iodine. Tattoo ink is made up of pigments and carriers that are specifically designed for use in the skin. Iodine is not a common ingredient in tattoo ink.

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Can tattoo ink ink be mixed?

Yes, mixing tattoo ink is done every day in the tattoo studio. It works pretty much just the same as mixing any other kinds of ink.

Can you cover black tattoo ink with red tattoo ink?

only if you use blood red

Mix tattoo ink with what to shade?

its called a wash you use your black ink put it in your ink cap add few drops of distilled water this is called grey-wash depending on amount of water added ,with less your color will be darker with more it will be lighter .

What is the most used tattoo ink?

MOM'S Ink, Skin Candy, Intenze, and Kuri Sumi. These are the only tattoo inks I trust and are most popular. Use the wrong tattoo ink and you'll get a crappy faded tattoo.

Where can you buy tattoo ink in Oakland Ca?

Go to any tattoo shop and they should have ink for sale!

How long can you use the same homeade tattoo ink?

You should not use "homemade" tattoo ink, it is not safe.