Contact Remington Customer Service through their website. Or call them at 1-800-243-9700
Let me know which model Remington shotgun you have. Send me your email & I will send you a scan of the manual.
re-blue deminishes gun value..................
Yes, especially if it is a collectors item type of fire arm.
What do you mean replace Remington? There is no replacement for Remington,in my eyes Remington is a very good gun.
You must call Remington to get an accurate answer.
Remington, Brownell's, gun shops, gun shows, want ads,
Remington, Brownell's, Mid Way USA,, gun shows, gun shops, want ads.
Remington, gun shop,
Henry. Remington. American Gun Company.
Some are easier to research than others. For example there is a Remington Collectors Society, but you cant find much information on Remington serial numbers. On the other hand if you have a Winchester serial number you can usually find when it was made without much difficulty. Google for the make of gun you have + collectors. Some of the manufacturers will research the gun, for a fee, and send you a Factory Letter, stating when the gun was made, and where it was sent from the factory.