The correct term to call a girl who likes another girl is lesbian. Dont call girls gay it is an in accurate term. So call gay girls lesbian girls.
gay gay
If you see the back of rihannas(singer)neck, she has a black star.Lots of girls are into that nowdays.For boys it is usually a snake curling around there arm.
When looking to find pictures of the Gay Pride parade it may be possible to find them on the BBC News in pictures section. Photo Bucket also has many pictures of the Gay Pride parades.
No, he was generally moody and unhappy, although there was one young woman that would sometimes lift his mood. Still, he was seldom gay.
Yes any tattoo on your left arm is a sign you are gay, most defiantly if you also have your right ear pierced
Probably gay.
no hes not. he sings about girls/girlfriends/ex girl friends so hes not gay as u can see
i hate all of the people who see this and their gay
No omg girls are not gay cause beauty go out with princeton
Its okay to not like gals... but you should eat some penis to see if you are gay
Yes...she has a girlfriend. I see her at my gay clubs all the time where her girlfriend bar tends...Lea is a hot mess though.
Because straight boys are homophobic in other words they hate gays(note:not all straight boys hate gay boys), while gay girls are girls they are from the opposite sex so basically they would like girls but probably they would like straight girls better than gay girls.
Mattyb is not gay he likes girls
yes im sorry to all of you girls out there but yeah he's gay sorry=/
Girls can tell or know if a guy is gay by observing his behavior in a group of men.
Because they are attracted to girls and not boys