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lets just say when you start getting hairy, you ll know!

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Q: Can you say exactly when adolescence begins?
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Where does adolescence usually start?

Adolescence is the period between when a child begins and ends Puberty !

Adolescence begins with puberty and ends with?

Adulthood !

What stage of life begins at puberty and ends with physical maturity?

The stage that begins with puberty id adolescence. This is a stage where a lot of changes take place in the body.

The sperm production begins in the epididymis?

Well the sperm is in the male's testes. And the eggs are in the female's ovary.

When does the adolescence growth spurt begin and end for girls?

begins at 10 and ends at 16

What does adolescence say about children's rights?

it says a lots of things but the most important thing is that adolescence always say about the right of children

How do you say adolescence in Spanish?

adolesencia, or la mocedad... there are many ways to say it

What did Erikson say concerning the primary task of adolescence?

Erikson believed the primary psychosocial task of adolescence is the formation of identity.

When does mental retardation begin?

Mental retardation begins in childhood or adolescence before the age of 18. In most cases, it persists throughout adult life

How long is a person impacted by mental retardation?

Mental retardation begins in childhood or adolescence before the age of 18. In most cases, it persists throughout adulthood.

What is adolescence associated with?

Adolescence is associated with age. Adolescence is normally used to describe young people or children. Teenagers are considered to be a part of adolescence.

What is adolescence stage?

This is a bit hard to answer, as people have different ideas. Some might say that it begins before puberty, when external anatomical changes start, and thinking pattern change from dolls to boys. Other might state that the start is synonymous with puberty. There would be more agreement that adolescence lasts longer than puberty well into the upper teen,, when thought patterns start to become more adult-like. Thus for some adolescence may continue into the 20's. Behaviorally, some are willing to say that for those few, they never outgrow adolescence. In general prevalence, puberty, is more of a anatomical-physiological process, while adolescence is more of a psychological-social yardstick. It just so happens that much of puberty and adolescence overlap and interact chronologically, that the two terms are often used synonymously.