Sure you can, although some prefer not to considering that you can't get to a hospital in a hurry if you should go into labor unexpectedly.
ride in a plane. you would fly a plane
an estimate to ride on a plane
She was in the plane of the challenger when she went to space.
well at early times its suggested not to but in emergency
Sure! You can also ride Roller Coasters too!
I ride along with my boyfriend every weekend. I am almost 19 weeks now. No issues here!
yes for a plane ride or car ride
Passengers fly on a plane.
i wouldn't. the baby could suffer from brain trauma ever heard of shaken baby syndrome? well it can happen before the baby is born as well. i wouldn't risk your health or the babys if i were you
After the plane ride, Eleanor took Amelia to the White House for tea and cakes.
I would not take a pregnant dog on a plane. And a 60 lb dog would have to ride in baggage. Also the air is thinner as the plane goes higher. Granted it is controlled but still not a good idea.