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no, its not true. it is a myth. people think if u wear a trash bag it makes u sweat. and they think if u sweat u loss wieght.

hope this helped.


HI, my name is ZIna I am 18 years old and I always Workout with a trash bag, so any big black one will do. I put holes on the bottom (2 holes) i wear it like pants and put on sweat pants and workout, also you can put a hole for your head and arms and wear it like a shirt

I DOES WORK, I AM LOSING SO MUCH WEIGHT!, Drink plenty of water.

Also if you dont feel like working out and just have so much to do in the house like cleaning, or cooking, WEAR IT. IT WORKS

I am amazed at my results, the previous commentor is false.

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Q: Can you really lose weight by wearing a trash bag?
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