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Listen don't screw around with something your Doctor is warning you about, he/she is right. MSRA is a variant of the Staph virus. This variant is very hard to fight and is showing signs of being antibiotic resistant to almost every know antibiotic used to fight staph. So when you Doctor tells you no, he/she means NO! We are talking about your life, not just getting really sick and almost dying, actual dying.

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Q: Can you randomly die from a lip piercing if you have a heart murmur?
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Could you die if you have heart murmur and get your belly button pierced?

Yes you can, a murmur is just an irregular heart rhythm that doesn't effect your physical activity. Thousands of younger people have murmurs and don't even know it and generally as you get older the murmur will disappear. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned, but as long as you are relaxed and listen to the Professional body piercer who will be doing the piercing you should be just fine. By the way it's "navel piercing", "navel ring" not "belly ring", "belly piercing", if you want it done better know what it's correctly called.

Can people die from heart murmer?

A heart murmur is a symptom of an illness. You need to find the underlying cause. The underlying cause may cause death

Do shi-zuh puppies that are fit and well survive an enlarged heart we were told she had a heart murmur and larger heart than normaol for a shitzuh however she is full of life eating well?

This question should be addressed to your veterinarian, as the cause of the enlarged heart and heart murmur will determine the survival prognosis. If the heart is enlarged with a murmur as a puppy because she has valvular insufficiency or is in early heart failure, the puppy may die within a few months. However, if the heart is simply on the high side of the average range and the murmur disappears after a few months (sometimes puppies have incidental murmurs), the puppy may live a normal healthy life.

Can you die from heart murmer?

It depends. It depends on how serious the heart defect causing the murmur is, and it depends alot of how strong the drug is. But taking a stimulant drug can definitely put stress on your heart, and if your heart can handle that extra stress, boom- it can't pump blood into its own muscle, and the muscle quickly dies and starts turning black. Then the heart can't pump and your brain and other organs begin to die too. People have definitely died from heart attacks caused by speed/ecstacy, and cocaine. You know ecstacy basically has speed in it, right?

Do chiwawas randomly die?

Yes , Chiwawas Can Randomly Die , Mainly Due To Them Having A Small Body And Heart, Stress Or Confusion Can Cause Them To Have A Heart Attack, There Perticular Breed Dose Not Give Of Any Sign Of This Happenign If It is , Happening. I Hope This Helped And If This Has Effected You I Am Sorry For Your Loss.

How long do bishon dogs live?

Bishon's usually live about 15 years but I have known some to die at 9 if they have a medical condition like a heart murmur.

How did Steve Iwrin die?

He was swimming with stingrays when one stung him in the chest, piercing his heart and killing him instantly.

How did Hank Gophers die?

He had trouble heart.heart murmur

What is th murmur of replacement ceremony in the giver?

The Murmur of Replacement ceremony is a ceremony that shows that a child was too stupid to go somewhere and drown or die by ( accident )!

Can a piercing affect your organs?

Yes. If the piercing is not cleaned and it becomes infected it can damage several vital organs, kidneys, liver, heart just to name a few. The concern is when the piercing is so infected it becomes septic, at that point a person can go into Toxic Shock and die if they don;t get the treatment needed.

What are 5 things that can go wrong with your heart?

Well lets see 1 heart murmur, [which i believe is a hole in the heart. 2 a heart attack. 3 to much blood being pumped 4 if the lungs fail, the heart is at risk/ 5 if the heart stops you die.

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