You can but you need to know if the solution makes sense before you go into putting all sorts of stuff on your piercing. If you are having trouble with a piercing you need to know why you are having trouble before you start applying stuff to fix it. All too often I have people coming into the studio with piercing trouble looking for help because they tried everything else and now they need fresh help to fix it, by this point the piercing is a freaking mess. What caused the trouble, what were you cleaning it with and how often? There is a whole list of products that "new" piercers recommend for aftercare, they quite often don't stress the importance of just leaving the piercing alone and letting the body heal it without all the "woo woo magic stuff " and simply irrigating the piercing and moving the jewellery under running water after a shower or bath. Stuff like sea salt soaks, dragon mist, tea-tree oil, polysporin, neosporin, bactine are not necessarily good for your piercing ( actually they can cause more trouble than they solve ). Most products previously listed have warnings on the bottles about using the product on deep wounds or puncture wounds, guess what a piercing is a puncture wound. Now don't get me wrong here I am not slagging the "New Piercers", they are new for a reason and they need to learn what works and what doesn't and why. If you need detailed help contact me through my website, but first go back and talk to your piercer if you are having trouble, ask questions and get answers that make sense before you make matters worse for your piercing.
Vitamin E is safe to put on dogs and is totally healing.
Solution: Smoke crack instead.
yes surely.vitamin E is also known as "beauty vitamin".every beauty product like creams etc contain vitamin E.
Um probably but the cat will likely just lick it off.
Vitamin E is a standard vitamin that is put into most skin care creams. You can find it in all of Garnier Fructose's products, and Olay uses it as well.
Yes, you can. Pretty much every dog food contains some Vitamin E and is listed often for its "preservative" effects as: "... preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of natural Vitamin E..." Too much Vitamin E is linked to malabsorption of Vitamins A & K. Vitamin E is listed as promoting better eye sight/healty, better skin and coat, and better reproductive performance.
vitamin E helps to protect vitamin A and fats in the body.
vitamin E- EPIC
Vitamin E is Very Comedogenic Vitamin E (Tocopherol Acetate) is not Comedogenic
You can find vitamin E supplements at virtually any grocery store or pharmacy. It comes in gel caplets which you can poke to release the oil from inside and put on scars, etc.
Vitamin C is the water-soluble vitamin that can help regenerate vitamin E after it has been oxidized. Vitamin C can act as an antioxidant and help restore the antioxidant properties of vitamin E.