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Yes; iPods can be used like external flash drives.

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Q: Can you put songs on a Ipod without downloading Itunes or any other software?
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Do you have to get music off iTunes if you have an ipod?

The iTunes software will link to the iPod but you do not need to purchase music from the iTunes store as you can add music from any source; such as your own CDs or music files already on your computer. Other retailers, such as Amazon, provide downloading software which allows any music you purchase from them to be automatically added to your iTunes music library.

Does it cost money to download Itunes for your iPod touch?

No, downloading iTunes on your iPod is completely free. However, the songs, videos, and other things that you download from iTunes are not free.

How do I know if I'm downloading a legal or illegal mp3?

If you are paying for it then it's legal. To save the hassle and be safe, use Itunes because they are licensed mp3 files. Rhapsody is the same thing but their push is they let you listen to the whole song before downloading. I would stick to well known mp3 downloaders like Itunes and Rhapsody rather then getting into the mess of the thousands of other mp3 downloading sites that may or may not be legal. For more information on how to decipher between mp3 legal issues check out

How do I take a song that I bought from the iTunes store off my iPhone?

sync your iphone to your itunes then select transfer purchases to my pc when itunes asks you then once thats happened you will want to go to the itunes directory where your music is found which is usually Music folder then itunes or depending on your operating system you may want to go to program files then check both folders for itunes and once you have found it check though the itunes folders until you find something along the lines of music then purchases or the other way around perhaps and it should be in there and take a copy of that to you desktop and boom, Peace!

How do you open a song from iTunes in garage band?

If the song from iTunes is protected then it cannot be imported into Garageband but other song files in the MP3, AAC, WAV or AIFF format can be dragged into Garageband's timeline to import them.

Related questions

What software is good for downloading music videos etc?

iTunes is my favorite software for music and other things.

Do you have to get music off iTunes if you have an ipod?

The iTunes software will link to the iPod but you do not need to purchase music from the iTunes store as you can add music from any source; such as your own CDs or music files already on your computer. Other retailers, such as Amazon, provide downloading software which allows any music you purchase from them to be automatically added to your iTunes music library.

Does importing music on iTunes cost money?

You pay when you buy music from the iTunes store, just like any other store, apart from that the iTunes software is free and you can import music from other sources, such as CDs you own, without charge.

Does it cost money to download Itunes for your iPod touch?

No, downloading iTunes on your iPod is completely free. However, the songs, videos, and other things that you download from iTunes are not free.

Is there a way to get free antivirus protection other than downloading and/or installing software on my computer and, if so, how?

There is no way to get antivirus protection other than downloading and/or installing software on your computer. The software must be only the computer to protect it.

Is there you way to put songs and movies on your ipod without using itunes or any other software and what is this way?

Placing them in the notes folder of the ipod?

Is there any legal music downloading site that works with ipod other than itunes?

yes there is, GEEZ, just pay the money!!! no that's why there is itunes anyways!!!! :(

How Do you Transfer Music From an ipod touch to a itunes library without the use of additional software other then itunes?

You can't, the only action that Apple has installed in the iTunes program is only for the ipod to sync the library, not the other way around. Crazy isn't it, but to do this you have to use additional software. This isn't true, you can do it, it is just difficult to find a way to do it. Sorry this doesn't help, but I will update this as soon as I find a way to do it myself.

Do you have to pay for iTunes if you dont use it?

iTunes is a free software application. You only pay for songs or other media you download.

Is downloading video files with LimeWire illegal?

Downloading with Limewire or ANY other p2p software is not illegal. Its illegal to download Copyrighted material.

Why is the mp3 songs on my computer not transferring to my ipod im trying to do it without using itunes and how can i do it?

There are other software which you can use to transfer mp3 to ipod. I used to use winamp.

Scanning all email attachments with anti-virus software will help prevent downloading viruses and other malicious code?

Scanning all email attachments with anti-virus software will help prevent downloading viruses and other malicious code