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Yes, provided you comply with all federal and state regulations.

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Q: Can you purchase a gernade launcher?
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Related questions

What gun is on the cover of COD4?

a ak47 with gernade launcher

What is a rocket propelled gernade?

It's the Soviet designation for a rocket launcher. The first model was the RPG-2, which was based largely on the German Panzerfaust. The most famous model is the RPG-7.

How do you use Black Ops Gernade launcher on for the wii?

hold the left button thats by the jump one and why your holding that put the thing you use the look around with and move with put that up and let go

Why is a person called noob tuber?

All the person does is abuse the gernade launcher which is an attachment to the rifle. It is a term used by bitter noobs and also pros who think the effectiveness of the weapon is cheap and the user uses it in desperate no-skill ways.

How to Eliminate archaea?

with a gernade

How do you do i kill my brother My brother is beating me in call of duty and i wanted to know how to kill his character?

Get a stoner 63 or AK74 u and shoot him. If you know he is somewhere, throw a samtex at his direction. Mabye put a gernade launcher on the ak74 u. Hope u KA

What are the notes for gernade in recorder?


How do you spell gernade?

The correct spelling is 'grenade'.

Do Russians have gernade launchers?

in what year m8

How grenades were used in World War I?

Imagine the gernade as a letter T though the top line is a blocky circle their is a hook someone where on the T looking gernade you pull the hook&you chuck the gernade where the enimies are comming!That is how the GERNADES were uses in WORLD WAR 1

How do you get Zapdos in ruby?

easy pinapple gernade lol

What is Bruno Mars popular song?

so far it is gernade