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Yes you can, but with a little pros and cons. The private investigator is sworn not to tell, just like between a doctor and his patient, or a lawyer and client. So if you are the one that hired him, he is sworn not to tell because he works for you. The only way someone will find out is if someone follows him and see who he works for..

Approach the vehicle , write down the licnnse number , approach the driver and ask to see his credentials as a licensed P.I. , or you will call the police and say you are being stalked. The investigator will have to identify him/herself to you or a police officer. And if you caught them , whomever hired them is not getting their money's worth anyway. BTW , a P.I. does not LEGALLY enjoy confidentiality like a doctor or lawyer.

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Q: Can you prove who hired a private investigator to follow you?
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While it seems pointless, you could engage the services of a private investigator.

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By providing evidence of the existence of those assets. Perhaps your attorney could suggest a good private investigator.

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You would need to discuss it with your attorney and hire a private investigator.You would need to discuss it with your attorney and hire a private investigator.You would need to discuss it with your attorney and hire a private investigator.You would need to discuss it with your attorney and hire a private investigator.

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they help solve a mystery or a case and then look for cluesAnswer:Television and movies would lead you to think that private investigators fight crime by solving cases "too tough for ordinary cops" or wind up getting involved in cases of intrigue with spies, conspiracies or beautiful women. In real life they snoop through peoples garbage to see if they are drinking, follow wayward spouses to their girl/boy friends' houses for future divorce actions, watch health insurance claimants to prove or disprove their cases, find debtors so legal action can be initiated or their cars repossessed. follow children for parents who want to know if they are using drugs or seeing the wrong people.

Can you get unemployment if you are fired for cause?

Generally not, if the employer can prove their case with the investigator from the state unemployment office.

What if you suspect wife is having an affair with another man and you don't want to believe - how to approach situation?

You don't. First suspicion is a guess or you think. It is not a fact.If you approach your wife with your suspicion about her having an affair and she is having an affair, more than likely she will deny it. And she will get more secretive and it will be much more harder to prove.The best way to approach the situation is with evidence. FACTS. Pictures are an excellent way to prove that an affair has taken place. You can become a 'Private Investigator' or you can hire a 'Private Investigator'. I would recommend hiring a 'Private Investigator' because if your wife is having an affair you WILL become emotionally attached and may do something stupid, which may end you up in jail or worse.

How do you prove illicit physical relationship in matrimonial cases?

Short of them coming out and admitting it, or you catching them in the physical act of sex, you could employ a private investigator to follow the suspected spouse around until they catch them in a tryst. . . or not. Added: Speak with your divorce lawyer to find out if it even matters. With the advent of "no fault" divorces, an affair has no bearing on the outcome of divorce settlements in many states, except in the cases of pre-nups.

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Not necessary

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