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Ya, u plug it into da computa with cable yall

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Q: Can you print out text messages from teens phone?
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Can you see the past text messages on a print out?

My dad always threatens me that he's going to print out all my text messages to c what I've been saying so yes u can. all u do is call ur phone company and ask to have a printout of all previous messages. This all varies on your cell phone provider. Some do allow print outs of text messages and some do not. If you are interested in obtaining text message printouts, contact your carrier for the details.

Can sent text messages be printed out with a phone bill?

You can't print the actual content of the messages, but the major carriers have an option called Detailed Billing which will allow you to print the date, time, and destination of text messages.

Can you copy and print text messages from a computer?

yes all you have to do is hook your phone up to the computer

How is your INFO set up on police records for phones can police see every text message including apps messages if my parents give cops my phone?

The text messages are stored on the network's computer - NOT your phone. They are simply downloaded to your phone when they're received. The police simply need to serve a warrant on the company, to have them print out your messages. The don't need your phone !

Are texts saved to phone or SIM card?

Text messages can be stored on the SIM card and/or on the phone, depending on the type of phone.

How can you get text messages sent to you?

You can have text messages sent to you by somebody you know if they have a phone. Certain companies also have automatic text messages sent out to people who sign up to a subscription or other service! :]

Can text messages be read on the phone bill?

No. Text messages cannot be read on the phone bill. However, by special requests, such as subpoenas, and the like, the phone company will release the contents of text messages (under certain circumstances).Added: The number to which the text message was sent will be noted however.

Can a phone still get text messages if its disconnected?

no it can not

How do you print off text messages from your Huawei Android Acsend?

3rd-party android assistant -Coolmuster How to Print Text Messages , which is similar with PC studio, and it is more convenient, and the backup is more obvious.

How can you get a record of all your previous text messages centennial?

Call the place where you bought your phone and they'll print it out and mail it or you can go and pick it up at a convienient hour for you.

What is your experience on sending and reading mobile phone text messages?

One's experience on sending and reading mobile phone text messages would probably including writing the messages using a keyboard located on the phone. One would also read the messages via the phone's screen.

If my phone was off for a long time is there a way to get my text messages back?

what are you on about your text messages do not disappear just because your phone is off, however long it is off for!!!!!!!!!!!!