yes. in fact, it helps heal new piercings if you do go swimming! (in chloriniated/non-chlorinated water) ... the chlorine helps disinfect it, while the constant flow of water over the piercing continually washes out impurities. If you go swimming many times a week, your piercing will heal faster than someone who never does. :)
If you just got the piercing done you may wish to give the sports a break (24~48 hours) straining and exerting will increase the blood pressure and this is not the greatest thing to do with a swelling tongue piercing. Remaining on cold stuff and looking after your piercing as well as ibuprofen or Advil will also help to ease the swelling. Then you can get back into the game, just go easy.
well I have my tongue pierced but mine is not for what some people might get their tongue pierced for, I'll tell you after giving you a few examples of the meaning of tongue piercings @Have a metal bar through your tongue, with one ball at one end and a ball at the other end (that is one of my reasons obviousy haha) @ Just to play with it @ sexual reasons @ because they like it and its just for decoration ( that is what mine is for) most of the time people will get there tongue pierced for sexual reasons especially if they are a slut then they will have it don't, but mine was pierced just for decoration nd obviously some people get their tongue pierced to act hard with, don't know why like but yeah some do
well I have my tongue pierced but mine is not for what some people might get their tongue pierced for, I'll tell you after giving you a few examples of the meaning of tongue piercings @Have a metal bar through your tongue, with one ball at one end and a ball at the other end (that is one of my reasons obviousy haha) @ Just to play with it @ sexual reasons @ because they like it and its just for decoration ( that is what mine is for) most of the time people will get there tongue pierced for sexual reasons especially if they are a slut then they will have it don't, but mine was pierced just for decoration nd obviously some people get their tongue pierced to act hard with, don't know why like but yeah some do
Maintain your cleaning and tape the barbell down and go play, just be sure to clean the piercing after sports.
It's probably because you just got your tongue pierced a few days ago. It is still healing. It'll take a week for the initial swelling and pain to subside, and a little longer for the wound to fully heal. Try not to play with it and swish it around too much.
Two weeks is the normal time for a step down barbell. You will still be able to play with the jewellery but avoid biting down on the jewellery due to it being much shorter than the original barbell.
getting to do exersizeing getto play sports
No, its not a good idea.
This happened to me because when I first got it pierced, I played with it too much. Although it is hard to resist when you first get it done, do not play with it and it will be fine. My crater got so big I have to wear a large ball on the top and a small one down the bottom so it doesnt come through the hole.
not as many women play sports as men but there is the same chance of getting hurt
It stops you from getting fat. So get of the couch!! It also keeps you active.
there's probably the chance of a chipped tooth. Here is an answer from a rugby player. if you are a wing (thats what i played 14 and 15 at the same time, we had a small team, lol) u will probably be ok. if you are in the scrum then i dont think that its a good idea