There is no such weapon.
No but you can own a crossbow
No, you must be 18 to purchase a long gun and 21 to purchase a handgun.
There are semiautomatic versions of the Tommy gun (Thompson sub-machine gun). They are legal to own. A fully automatic Tommy gun is legal in Texas only if you have the federal license.
I know that a felon can NOT own a gun but is there any problem with a felon being around someone who has a gun?
this automatic gun looks like..........your face! why would you ask me????????
After you apply to the police asking for a permit, you can buya gun in Pennsylvania.
In the truest sense of the definition of "automatic", no a bb gun cannot be automatic. In function, however, a BB gun can be automatic. A good example would be the Drozd BB gun which fires full automatic, but used CO2 as the power source.
In a semi automatic gun you have to pull the trigger for each shot. In an automatic gun you just have to hold the trigger in to empty the clip.
If you mean fully automatic (machine gun), yes- BUT- you must meet all Federal requirements under the National Firearms Act. This means that the transfer of the weapon to you must have been approved by the BATFE, and the $200 transfer tax paid. Ordinary semi-auto fireams are permitted.
No. The state of Ohio did not invent the paintball gun.