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Depends on the disability.

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Q: Can you own a gun while disabled?
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Can a felon own a gun in Michigan?

In the state of Michigan, not only can a felon not own a gun, if he is caught in close proximity to a gun, no matter how disabled it is or impossible for him to access, he can and will often be charged with Felony Firearms.

Can you own a gun while on unsupervised probation in the state of Missouri?

Can you get gun in Missouri while on probation

Can you own a gun while you have a protection order?

Against you? No.

Can a person that is disabled and also has a record of a class a misdemeanor get a gun permit?

It depends on where you are. In the U.S. each state sets its own rules. I can tell you, by federal law, the only misdemeanor that disqualifies you from owning a gun is a misdemeanor conviction for domestic violence.

Do you have to be a expert to own a gun?

No you do not have to be a gun expert to own a gun. As long as you are of legal age to own a firearm and you do not have any felony offenses on your record, you can own a gun.

Can a person own a gun if it is registered to someone else?

No if the gun is not registered in your name , no you can not own a gun. if you do not have license to own a gun you can not have it either

Did Michael Jackson own a gun?

no he didn't!

What is president becomes severely disabled in office?

Woodrow Wilson had a stroke while president was severely disabled.

Can a drug felon in Illinois own a gun?

If you mean "own" a gun, no. Felons cannot own or possess guns.

Can you own a gun while on misdemeanor probation for control substance?

Check w/ your probation officer. It will depend on the terms of your probation.

Can you own a bb gun while on probation in New York?

I would ask your Probation officer this question. He would have the best answer.

If you are in the coast guard can you buy your own gun?

You can privately own firearms while you're in the military. You can't use a privately owned firearm as your service weapon, however.