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Not in the US. Federal law.

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Q: Can you own a gun if you had non violent felonies?
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Can a Californian ex felon own a gun for hunting in Texas?

No an ex felon can't own a gun , and if so it would have to be a non violent felony

Can you own a handgun if you were convicted of burglarizing an auto almost 20 years ago?

Depends on the state you live in. In California, a felon may not own or possess any gun of any kind. However, Federal Law is different. Only violent felonies may preclude you from owning a gun. If it is a non-violent offense, odds are pretty good you can own a long gun. You should always check with local and state law enforcement before you attempt to buy a gun, as being a felon and merely attempting to purchase one can land you in jail.

Can you own a gun if you have a misdemeanor felony?

Crimes are misdemeanors or felonies. One or the other.

Why do non violent felonies ban you from owning a firearm. If you take a plea offer you still are no different from one who did not. It's your constitutional right to go to trial why lose gun rights?

A felony is a pretty major violation of the law, violent or otherwise. The law doesn't really make distinctions between violent and non-violent felonies, not to mention there really is no way to say for certain that the non-violent felony wouldn't have turned violent. I recall looking over some statistics where a masked robber's likelihood to attack if confronted is in the 90 percentile range. Doesn't really inspire much confidence in "non-violent" felons. This answer is plain ignorant. A felony can be theft of 300.00 and over, so you can steal 299.00 but still be able to own a gun. If you steal 1,000000.00 dollars they can plea it down to a misdemeanor if they want. Most criminal cases never go to trial and get a plea offer, so if this didn't happen, their would be hundreds of thousands more people with a felony. The Constitution says equal rights, but each state can have different laws that are felonies than others, so how is this equal justice. It's also your constitutional right to have a jury trial, but you are not supposed to be punished more for exercising your right because it would have the same chilling effect as North Caroline vs, Pierce. If you get a DWI, they don't stop you from buying beer, they take away your drivers license. They say the president has no way to restore gun rights unless you were tried in federal court, but that is not true, he does have a way to do it for anyone if he funds a gun act in 1968. There are many non violent felonies and many should not even be considered a felony.

Can a felon convicted of a non violent crime possess a firearm in the state of Texas?

No a felon owning a gun is a violation of the law and is possibly endangering the public. It doesn't matter if the person is nonviolent, what matters is that the person is a felon. Once a felony is on a persons record it never comes off.

Can felonies have a gun?

Generally speaking, no. A felon cannot own or even possess a gun unless the felons rights have been restored.

In the state of Missouri is a person convicted of a non violent crime permitted to own a rifle or shot gun?

You need to find a lawyer who specializes in firearms law to get a correct answer.

If I have Felony non conviction non violent offense in Texas over 22 years ago can I own a gun?

Question is unclear. How can you have a felony record on a NON-conviction? You were either convicted of a felony or you weren't. If you weren't you're not a felon.

Can a misdemeanor for giving false information keep you from buying a gun?

NO.. Only people with felonies may not own or be in possession of firearms.

Will a non violent non drug related and non sexual offence High Court Misdemeanor effect your right to own or possess a firearm?

As long as the misdemeanor is non violent, non drug related, and non sexual or threatening then it will not affect you right to own a firearm.

Can a non-violent felon own a gun in WA if his felony is past the statute of limitations?

If he is a felon, that would mean he has been convicted of a felony. Once convicted, there is no statute of limitations.

Can a non violnet felon have a firearm?

No. Felons may not own, possess, or have access to firearms - no distinction in the law is made between violent and non-violent felons.