Yes, provided everything's been done in accordance with state and federal law.
In America, yes. You must have the proper paperwork and taxes paid.
After you apply to the police asking for a permit, you can buya gun in Pennsylvania.
The short answer is no, unless you have a firearms collector's licence. A fully automatic weapon is a restricted weapon and unless you have the correct licence you are not allowed to import them or own them. The collector's licence is difficult to get and restrictive.
A fully automatic weapon means you can hold down the trigger and it will continuously fire. Semiautomatic means you fire one round for each pull of the trigger. A selective fire weapon is capable of fully automatic fire, and lets you select between the two. To own a fully automatic weapon in the US, you need a Class III National Firearms Act tax stamp for the firearm. The importation of fully automatic weapons for civilian sales was barred in 1968, and the domestic manufacture of fully automatic weapons for civilian sales was barred in 1986 - however, weapons of either type manufactured before the effective date of their import/manufacture can still legal be transferred between licenced civilian owners.
GET TO A GUNSMITH IMMEDIATELY!! It is against the law to own a fully automatic weapon that is not properly registered with the federal government. Even though a part(s) failure is causing it, you are in possession of an illegal weapon.
There is no such weapon.
No, it is NOT illegal to own a fully automatic weapon (and/or silencer) in Georgia. There are, however, additional hoops to jump through such as completing extra Class III paperwork and paying a federal tax stamp. Instead of taking dubious advice from Internet commandos, stop in and talk to a reputable Class III dealer (such as Autrey's Armory of Fayetteville, GA) for yourself.
Contact your local Michigan Police for an up to date answer.
18 theres alot of money and stuff involved to own one legally
If you mean fully automatic (machine gun), yes- BUT- you must meet all Federal requirements under the National Firearms Act. This means that the transfer of the weapon to you must have been approved by the BATFE, and the $200 transfer tax paid. Ordinary semi-auto fireams are permitted.
The Federal Tax Stamp you mention is required by the National Firearms Act for the transfer of ownership of a machinegun from one private citizen to another. The law creates an exemption for law enforcement AGENCIES, and the military. The police officer does not OWN the automatic weapon- his department does- and it is registered to his department. Whether or not it is loaded is not relevant to the law.