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Yes, Pennsylvania permit all NFA items, except for explosive Destructive Devices.

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Q: Can you own a fully automatic ak-47 in Pennsylvania?
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Can you own a fully automatic weapon in Pennsylvania?

After you apply to the police asking for a permit, you can buya gun in Pennsylvania.

Why are AK47 illegal?

AK-47 models are not fully illegal, it's that the fully automatic variants are restricted to military usage and thus a typical civilian cannot get easy ownership of such rifle. However, semi-automatic versions are legal for civilians to own. If you live in a place where semi-automatic rifles aren't restricted, then you're in luck to getting the semi-auto AK-47.

How old do you have to be to own a semi-automatic rifle in Pennsylvania?


Is it legal to own a fully automatic rifle in Florida?


What is the legel age to own a fully automatic rifle?

18 theres alot of money and stuff involved to own one legally

Is it legal to own a fully automatic weapon?

In America, yes. You must have the proper paperwork and taxes paid.

Is it legal to own a fully automatic rifle in Indiana?

Provided you follow all the appropriate laws, yes.

Why cant people own automatic firearms?

You can. It is not against the law to own fully automatic weapons provided you follow all the rules. 21, clean criminal record, money to buy, CLEO signature, etc..

Can you own or possess a fully automatic uzi in Montana?

Yes, in accordance with the provisions of the National Firearms Act of 1934.

Is it legal to own a fully automatic rifle in Washington State?

Yes, provided the firearm itself is legally obtained.

Is it legal to own an AK47?

If you follow all the laws, yes.

Are you allowed fully automatic bb guns in new zealand?

The short answer is no, unless you have a firearms collector's licence. A fully automatic weapon is a restricted weapon and unless you have the correct licence you are not allowed to import them or own them. The collector's licence is difficult to get and restrictive.