yes you can... I know someone it happened to both times they were pregnant with twins. If you think your still preg have the doctor check your levels and also do a ultrasound to confirm. Hope this helps and good luck!
not only horses but every female creature can miscarry twin embryos..
If you were to miscarry one twin the other fetus can still survive, but the chances for that are SLIM!!
Not unless you miscarry before you start sleeping with #2. The DNA does not change in the embryo.
No not at all. You were lucky being able to get pregnant that quick.
Definitely! If you conceive twins it is possible to miscarry one and bring the other to full term. Very early on in the pregnancy it is possible for the second fetus to be "reabsorbed" into the tissue of the uterus. But the most common is when you have bleeding like a miscarriage but find out you are still pregnant.
I am 7 weeks pregnant after having a frozen embryo transfer. I have been spotting continously since with one episode of a heavy bleed with loss of tissue and clots. My doctor has kept me on progesterone pessaries as well as provera to control the bleeding but I am still pregnant and yesterday a healthy fetus was confirmed on ultrasound with a heart beat of 146. == ==
There are two possible scenarios here. 1. You could still be pregnant but the monitor didn't pick up the heartbeat. 2. Miscarriage can take a while to actually happen. It can take one day or as many as 14 days to miscarry.
You can miscarry as early as when you find out you are pregnant or earlier. I just had a miscarriage at 20 weeks, and I know several people that have had one later.
Yes.There is nothing that says the next one will miscarry too, depends on the reason for the miscarriage though.
if spotting can you still be pregnant?
Usually, passing clots and a soft, open cervix indicates the pregnancy was lost - It is possible if there was more than one embryo for only one to be miscarried, while another healthy embryo survived. This should be verified with an ultra sound scan as soon as possible.
If you are Five months pregnant and miscarry, yes, you would know. At that point a miscarry would be vary vary painful and bloody with removal of the fetus being necessary. Or it's possible that your doctor will notice the fact that the fetus has failed to thrive and terminate the pregnancy before the miscarriage takes place either way you would defiantly know.