

Best Answer

Hordes of cult followers prove this phenomenon to be a very common one. It seems that many folk want to follow a leader who knows all the answers. This delusion is both common, comforting, and misleading.

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Q: Can you make your self brain washed?
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Is the world brain washed?

Yes, the wold is brain washed.

Was Hitler evil or just patriotic?

AnswerEvilHitler was an extremely intelligent Evil man. He brain washed millions of Germans, when he him self was not.. Yes... Hitler was evil.

Was Itachi Uchiha Brain-washed by akatsuki?

no he was not

Another word for loss of memory?

anasthesia or brain washed

When was How the Self Controls Its Brain created?

How the Self Controls Its Brain was created in 1994.

How do you getting in a girl brain to make her love u?

be you self and try to make her laugh but don't be over excited around her :)

How many people a year are brain washed because of drug addiction?


What is the ISBN of How the Self Controls Its Brain?

The ISBN of How the Self Controls Its Brain is 3-540-56290-7.

Is there any part of your body you can pinch to make yourself fall asleep immedeatly?

Yes but do not do this!!!! This kills the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain and gives you brain damage and you don't "sleep" you pass out because your brain has been starved of oxygen and blood. So basicly everytime you do this you kill brain cells and in a way make your self dumber.

Did Anubis pull the brain out?

Ancient Egyptian priests did so; according to Herodotus the brain was removed using an iron hook inserted through the nostrils and the brain cavity washed with drugs. Likely this was not the only ritual.

Why is school nessacairy?

its not, society has just brain washed children and parents into thinking it is. drop out when ur 17 kid...

Why don't white women want family?

They were brain washed at early age you don't need a man etc