yes you can. you want to use about 1-2 grams per person if its strong if its mild then use 3-5 grams
You can find more information about how to make Cannabutter on the YouTube video streaming website. Cannabutter actually contains an illegal ingredient in most states so make sure to check your local laws.
Making pot brownies doesn't typically make the kitchen smell if you have prepared your cannabutter in advance. The cannabutter is the most important ingredient in pot brownies as this is the part which contains the cannabis. You can find a great recipe for cannabutter on: However, making cannabutter will make the kitchen smell like pot.
The amount of cannabutter to use depends on the recipe and desired potency. A common starting point is to replace regular butter with an equal amount of cannabutter. It's recommended to start with a smaller amount and adjust based on personal tolerance and experience with edibles.
No. The active ingredient in weed is THC and it needs fat to bond to. This is the reason you can make "cannabutter" and bake brownies. Water therefore, water for tea will not work. Hope this helps :)
No.. The only place cocaine is found is in the coca plant leaves..
I don't know if it is bad, but if you extracted the weed into butter, you are supposed to cook with it, not smoke it. Make some brownies or something..get creative! You will get high off the food!
Dividing a cake to make fractions
No, crystals are not typically visible in cannabutter. The active compounds in cannabis, such as THC and CBD, are dissolved into the butter during the infusion process. Any crystallization that may occur would likely be very minimal and not visible to the naked eye.
Well being yourself is really all you can do, but enhance your good sides. Spend time with them and show them that you love to laugh. Make them laugh! Become good friends first, and it may come.
CannaButter is something that many people would love to know how to make.Well, to be honest it is quite simple! However, you want to do it right as you're using material that is not necessarily ideal to waste. If done properly using this recipe you can maximize the quality and quantity of the CannaButter you make.So to start we will begin by listing some of the things you are going to need...**Proper Clothing Is a MUST. When you have fats and water together they tend to be very volatile and burning your arms is not a part of this recipe. So please use HOT GLOVES and long sleeves as you may or may not accidentally burn yourself.**Materials you will need:- A strong grinder to grind the Cannabis material.- A stove to heat the CannaButter.- A medium sized heavy duty sauce pan/pot with lid. It's important to have the pot the same size as the element that it is on to ensure even heat distribution.- A measuring cup.- A whisk or a large fork to mix the material with the water/butter solution in the pot.- Cheese cloth to strain the material before cooling.- A bowl large enough to hold and cool the CannaButter material.- A space in your refrigerator to cool and separate the water from butter.- A heavy duty plastic wrap to handle and compress the CannaButter into a smaller, easier to handle shape.- A freezable container to store the material- A space in your freezer to store the finished product.Please Make sure you have all these things before you begin and have them set aside as you will need them immediately during and at the end of the CannaButter making process.Note:To make a strong CannaButter you will need to adjust the amount of Cannabis you use in accordance with the strength of butter you would like. It is not recommended to make weak CannaButter or reduce the Cannabis:Butter ratio as you may feel "ripped off" after you've tried the butter.This recipe will make about 350g of medium-grade strength CannaButter.Remember you will have a small loss when handling the material.So with that being said,Ingredients you will need:- 1lbs of unsalted butter.- 2cups of water.- 1 ounce of premium,middle or low grade Cannabis. Obviously the better product you use the better the butter will be. Not true. Never waste good weed on butter. U can make them way more potent and for cheaper. I know it goes against what u might think, but the worst cheapest weed u can get works just as well. U can buy like 3 ounces for the price of one dank ounce and make the brownies way strongerThat's it!Okay, Now go get your sh!t together and let's cook!To Prepare:We'll begin by grinding the Cannabis material very very fine. Way beyond the extent that you would grind it if you were smoking it. Make your Cannabis a fine powder. Using an electric coffee grinder dedicated to the purpose of grinding Cannabis or cleaning one VERY, VERY well. It's suggest buying a rinky dink coffee grinder if you do not have one as cutting the Cannabis with scissors or grinding it with a space case grinder will not make the Cannabis fine enough.You basically want a bowl of very, very fine Cannabis material.Cooking:Bring 2cups of water to a covered boil. Once the water is boiling, add your butter and melt it in the water. Once the butter is melted, reduce the heat to a very low setting so that when covered the CannaButter will simmer but not boil. We will now add the ground Cannabis material to the water and butter solution...Once you add the Cannabis powder you will whisk and mix it into the pot thoroughly, so that there are no clumps and nothing stuck to the bottom. Now that you've made sure there are no clumps in the solution, place the lid on the pot and leave the heat on a minimum temperature.The CannaButter is now ready to simmer and cook for 22-24 hours. This amount of time is important. It is required to extract the THC from the finely ground Cannabis. However, you do not want to cook the CannaButter any longer than 24 hours. NO MORE THAN 24 HOURS. After 24 hours the THC will degrade and the butter will go bitter.During this 24 hour cooking period you will need to check on the CannaButter every few hours to ensure that the boil is not to strong and to ensure that the butter has not reduced to much. If you find the solution reducing faster than expected it does not hurt to add a few table spoons of water over the 24 hour period.Extraction:Once you have simmered the CannaButter for long enough, turn the heat off.Let the solution sit for 2-4 minutes and remove it from the heat.USE APPROPRIATE CLOTHING AS THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN BURN other words.. don't do this next step in your boxers.You are now ready to extract the used Cannabis material from the CannaButter solution.. First rinse the cheese cloth with hot water and then wring it out leaving it damp. This increases the yield of Cannabutter extracted by preventing it from absorbing into the dry cheesecloth fibers.Place the cheese cloth over an open bowl and ensure that when the liquid is poured through the cheese cloth will not go with it. The idea here is to strain the solution using the cheese cloth so that you will not have bits of cannabis in the solution. Most of the THC is extracted by now. Once the solution has been strained through the cheese cloth and the material collected, you will have a solution in a bowl and cheese cloth full of soggy Cannabis material.Let the material cool just enough to safely squeeze and extract as much of the solution from the cheese cloth and material as possible. A pair of latex gloves can help here. To get the last bit of Cannabutter from the solid Cannabis material open the cheesecloth with the material in it and place it over a second bowl. Using a cup or two of hot water, hotter the better, rinse the material in the cheesecloth. Squeeze and extract the remaining Cannabutter. Combine the two solutions into one bowl. Lick your fingers clean... : )The butter solution is what you want, not the biproduct which is the soggy Cannabis.Remove as much of the solution as possible into the bowl.Cooling:Place the bowl with the CannaButter solution into your reserved space in your refrigerator and let it cool for a few hours, even overnight. This process will separate the fats from the water. The fat being our CannaButter. During this process you will be able to see the progress of the butter as it cools, much like watching Jell-o go firm. However, you want to let it sit long enough to ensure the complete separation of the fats from the water.Removing Your Butter and Storing:Removing the butter from the bowl may seem a bit tricky...but will be considerably less messy if you use the Heavy duty plastic wrap to handle the now solid butter. Simply remove enough plastic and use it like a doggy bag to remove the top slab of CannaButter from the bowl. Pat dry the CannaButter to remove any excess water. Now use the plastic wrap to compress the CannaButter into a smaller more manageable size. Store in a freezable,airtight container or mason jar.Note:Depending on the amount of CannaButter you make, it may be better to use a slotted spoon or spatula instead of your hands.KEEP FROZEN AT ALL TIMES.If kept frozen the butter will not go bad or lose any potency before you get around to using it.The butter will melt quickly once it warms up.. so handle it quickly and keep it in the freezer as much as possible.And that's it! Now go lick clean some utensils and enjoy your CannaButter.CannaButter can be used in a range of things and can even be used to bake goods like muffins,cookie and brownies. Some simply enjoy CannaButter on toast. Whatever you decide to use it in or on, remember that you do not want to re-cook it but baking it into something for a short period of time (about the length of time it takes to bake cookies or muffins) will not harm your CannaButter at all.That's it! get cookin'!This recipe was brought to you by the King Of Shiva, BobBong
You get about half the bath of sand, then you add and 8th of water, make a sticky paste in the bath and imerse yourself in it :P ITS GOOD 4 YOUR SKIN
hell good