If you just pierce the scrotum, yes. You don't actually want a piercing through your testicle, do you?
Any age. Some people even get their babies' ears pierced.
Well considering some parents get there babies ears pierced, this question is a bit of a lost leader.
probably atleast 1 or 2 years old.
Because it hurts and his balls havent dropped yet
Because they have crystal balls.
Yup. If you have babies, though, you should take it out and replace it when the babies grow up.
No. You can just go to the shop and get your ears pierced.
no, they cannot make babies.
It doesn't matter what age. If your parents bring you to a piercing parlor for ears, they'll pierce them for you. Which is why even babies are getting their ears pierced. I got mine done when I was four and had to have it redone when I was twelve.
get it pierced and it will make it all better..all you have to do is go take a dump.yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! it will hurt though.!!!! get it pierced and it will make it all better..all you have to do is go take a dump.yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! it will hurt though.!!!! get it pierced and it will make it all better..all you have to do is go take a dump.yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! it will hurt though.!!!!
Apricorns Don't make mater balls.