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i believe that if you are not attracted to him now imagine later when he grows old, would you feel attracted then?

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Q: Can you make a relationship work if you are not attractive to his looks?
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If the abuse continues - you cannot make the relationship work. You both need to get counseling, separate and together. If the abuse doesn't stop, you need to get out of the relationship. It will probably be a long hard "journey", but if you are both willing to work on it, you will make it through. "What are ways that the abuser and abusee can make the relationship work after confronting the abuse?" Open & Honest discussion.

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it depends on what the problem is. To make a relationship works, both people needs to work at it. It is hard work.

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You don't. Sorry.

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If you even need to ask this, you're probably not in a relationship with the right person.

Will this relationship last?

it depends on what is happening in your relationship. you need to give detail. such as whats going on, and how do you see it as. I have no clue about your relationship, but if you love him or her, then do everything you can to make it work out, and then if it dosent work, it wasn't meant to be.

He looks different than his picutre will chemistry develop?

It should not matter what he looks like. Cause if you're worryin bout that you don't want things to work out. Do you want your relationship to be based on looks. THAT WOULD BE SO SHALLOW!!!

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trust, and by listing them

How do you make a relationship work that's bound to break up?

Unless both of you are willing to try very hard to make it work, it will indeed eventually not work.

Can a relationship last long if your boyfriend is younger than you for 20 years?

Any relationship can last if you make time for each other and you try to make it work.