If you shove it up far enough and blood and watery fluids come out you popped your cherry but its best to lose it to a penis.
14 with his gf!
That depends on how you define losing your virginity. If you define loosing your virginity as performing a sex act, be it gay sex or otherwise, the you can lose your virginity by just having sex. If you believe there needs to be penetration for it to be sex, then you would have to use some sort of dildo or fingers to lose your virginity. Really, it all depends on what constitutes sex to you.
When he was around 13 or 14. But he never said with who.
The Blood colour that individual has at the time of losing virginity.
No, I believe Jake T. Austin did not lose his virginity, yet. But, he has a girlfriend and made a video with her on Youtube.com check it outt(:!
Of course it does dildo....its a sport...physical activity
Grasp it firmly in your hand and hit yourself in the head with it. Repeat until you lose consciousness.
WAIT! trust me u'll want to wait till ur married its alot better
A dildo is not a real penis
yes he did.
A dildo is a magic wand that grants the user magical powers.